Sunday, August 19, 2007

Official Apology to Jack the Rabbit

This is the only time you'll ever get this...

I'm officially sorry to have doubted your arrogance on Afro Celt Sound System. I immediately purchased the album on iTunes and have not looked back. This music is right up my alley and I am a big proponent of random world music. I just purchased a double cd by a new-flamenco Spanish group that has been out of print since 2002. A post will be forthcoming...

I don't know where to begin. For one, the idea of blending African and Celtic music is beyond me. However, it works in a great way and as I sit here writing, I'm almost mesmerized by its sound. I have this weird thing for certain types of Celtic music and this, in its own odd way, fits the bill for me. Sometimes the album dives into a bit too much of dance/house for me, but when the Celtic portions come through, they explode.

So there you have it. Jack the Rabbit comes through brilliantly and this will no doubt encourage him in his future postings.

God help us.

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